Who We Are
We want to see people come to Jesus, be discipled in His ways, and be renewed by the present and future hope He brings. We gather in homes, sharing life together, encouraging one another, and growing in Christ so that His love overflows in us to others. We gather on the weekends to celebrate God and his stories of transformation in our lives and of those we encounter in our neighborhoods, our cities, around the world… wherever we go!
Welcome Home
Everyone is welcome! Come as you are and encounter the living Jesus. We are a group of people longing to live after the way of Jesus. You can join us no matter what you believe. You can belong even if you don't agree. We are for you no matter where you are; if you are searching for something, burnt out on religion, or already a follower of Jesus.
Our Church Values
Extravagant Celebration
We celebrate the stories of God, past and present. We practice celebration of Him as we experience His presence.
Apprenticeship to Jesus
Apprenticeship to Jesus happens as we learn from other Apprentices lives. We apprentice in our ministries and in our pursuit of Jesus. Apprenticeship helps us develop the character of Jesus and the competency of Jesus in our lives.
Sacrificial Living
Purpose and love are expressed in the way we give ourselves to others. The love of Jesus was sacrificial. We live sacrificially as we love one another through giving of our finances, time, and resources.
Pray First.
Trust in the Lord is evident when we go to Him before anything else. James chapter 5 says that if we are in trouble, are sick, or are happy, we should pray. Prayer is powerful and effective.
Live Simple Rhythms.
Your life is lived in rhythms, whether in the seasons of the year when we slow down in the colder months or in the seasons of life! Your day is a rhythm. Since the garden of Genesis 2, we’ve lived in rhythm. As disciples of Jesus, we pay attention to the rhythms we live. Historically, disciples have referred to this as a “rule of life.